Release year: 2001
- Comedy
- Movie
- Self-fulfillment
Shrek (2001), directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, is a groundbreaking animated film that redefines fairy tales with humor and heart.
The story follows Shrek, a grumpy yet endearing ogre, who embarks on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona to reclaim his swamp. Along the way, he teams up with Donkey, his hilarious and loyal companion, and discovers that true beauty lies within. Featuring a stellar voice cast, including Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz, Shrek delivers laughs, adventure, and a touching message about acceptance.
Add Shrek to your watchlist for an unforgettable fairy tale that continues to delight audiences of all ages.
Recommended for 8 years and above.
- Drama, Sad
- Good Versus Bad
- Fighting Violence
- Frightening Intense
- Sexuality Nudity
- Profanity