Add your listing to Love Nexus

What we need from you

What we need from you

  • Business name and address
  • Only user with account can send us files. So if you want to send us high-quality photos (Full HD) and a logo, please create a user account first.
    (For restaurants, stores or services 1 picture from outside and 1 from inside is ideal. For hotels 1 picture from outside and up to 5 other pictures is great.)
  • Type and website
  • Tell us what makes it a good fit for Love Nexus?
    - What about it is organic, free of chemicals, additives or lab-tested?
    - What about it is positive and life-enhancing?
    - What are the qualities of used or contained water, sweetener, oils, salt, grains etc.

Just fill out the form below. We will review your submission and get back to you within one week. Thank you.

If you like our platform or resonate with our mission consider creating a user account to become a member of our community. Or donate to us, if you can. It helps us to expand our service faster worldwide as we finance ourselves to stay independent and idealistic. Thank you for your contribution!