About Love Nexus
The Love
It all starts with love.With love we are made, with liquid love we are fed and with love we choose what is right in our hearts. Love is what nurtures us beyond the physical. It is the pure essence of everything and what holds us together, instead of falling apart.
We can feel if something is made with love. And the love for ourselves and others makes us want the best we know. For us that is the most natural because we are part of nature.
The Nexus
The Nexus is the strongest connection point, where everything is coming together, woven like a net of love. The invisible net that connects everything and everyone. Connecting the offer with the seeker, connecting the dreamer with the maker, connecting the like-minded to create synergies. Inspiring, expanding, creating, weaving. Spreading out from the source of love to the whole world, bringing people together, for a life more aligned with higher principles and nature.
The Vision
So all together it is the Love Nexus vision.
Love Nexus is a love distributor. We want to give a stage to the love in products, services and suppliers.
Love Nexus is a collective passion for the very best worldwide. Pure love for organically grown food, good soils, good water, traditional production methods, naturalness, positive energy and energetic details.
It's also a journey. To travel, research, learn, investigate, test, explore, learn, ask, serve, create. Our hearts and values guide this journey and it is very personal also. It is a plant that will grow now and it is here to make this earth just a little bit better.

The Founders
When we met in 2016 we already began talking about the vision of a web platform with all the great products we know and continuously find. Both of us were quite famous in our circles for always finding great products and technologies and for our research skills. Together we amplified this passion even more. Health, natural foods and supplements, personal development and spiritual expansion are our passion. So building Love Nexus where we could collect and share our curated findings with seekers felt perfect for us.
Since 2022 we are traveling all the time with our 3 kids and love to explore new areas. It took us so much time to check out every new place for organic options that we thought a global map would be amazing where we could find all healthy restaurants, stores and services around us easily, where ever we are. Plus it's great to find all organic hotels worldwide, so we can all choose those places strategically. And to really make it complete, it should be free and independent.
In January 2023 we finally started building Love Nexus and it took us and our team almost two years of dedication. Because we prefer to stay independent and idealistic without investors who might want to influence our ideals. Love Nexus is like our baby and now that we built the platform we will feed it continuously a lot of content to let it grow and expand to an amazing service and lifestyle platform that serves you and all who show up with so much dedication to your healthy options daily.
Bernard & Katja
Our Team
We appreciate our loyal team without which Love Nexus could not be built today. Get to know them.

Backend Developer
Fabian is our back end developer with intense dedication and love for the Love Nexus mission. He travels globally and loves healthy food, meditation, untouched nature, alone time, and personal expansion.

Project Manager
Ameer supported us all along in all areas. He is a great support in leadership, managing tasks and front end development. Based in Toronto, Canada, he enjoys healthy food, wellness, traveling and personal development.

Dragan Turko
Dragan is our support developer who helps in all areas of Love Nexus. He lives with his wife and children in Bosnia-Herzegovina and enjoys family time, wellness, and making music.

Dragan Stefanovic
Dragan is our main developer and very important for our team. He is our master of code and builds everything we need. He lives in Bosnia-Herzegovina and enjoys nature, hiking and wellness.
Our Values
We appreciate authenticity, sovereignty and service.
Authenticity to be ourselves, speak our truths, ready to be vulnerable and transparent. Connecting from our hearts and in trust. Saying something and meaning it, and still meaning it the next day. Standing for something and at the same time not being afraid to change our belief about something. We feel it is the time now for transparency. That is why we research, investigate, test and try out everything ourselves. We expand on the way and enjoy the process.
Sovereignty for us means that we believe in self-responsibility. Being responsible for our lives because only we choose our emotions. We choose how we respond to our circumstances and what we create every day from where we are. There is no one else to blame. Blaming does not empower us or anyone. And self-empowerment is important to us and with it also the empowerment of others of course. We want to be a beacon of empowerment for every dedicated creator of products or services.
Service is the base of this project. Serving nature, serving the soils, the animals, the people who create something and the people who consume it. For us it is a basic that we reap what we sow, receive what we put out. Our mission is to improve your lives and raise consciousness about your choices. It is all your choice every day. Our service is a free service and includes all suppliers, especially the small ones who put so much love and effort into their offer. We want you to find them. If you resonate with our mission consider creating a user account and be a member in our community. We plan more and more services also especially for our members. And we mean it.